
Beyond Form. Territorial and Social challenges 

13ª Conferência da Rede Lusófona de Morfologia Urbana

25 - 27 June 2025

Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal

More informations here.

Previous Conferences

(Re)existing morphologies: Identities, experiences and processes

12ª Conferência da Rede Lusófona de Morfologia Urbana

11 - 13 September 2024

UFPA, Belém Brasil

Book of abstracts and Proceedings PNUM 2024 available here:

capa_CADERNO_RESUMO BELÉM 2024.jpgcapa_ANAIS PNUM BELÉM 2024.jpg

Urban Morphology: Planning, Recovery and Resilience

11ª Conferência da Rede Lusófona de Morfologia Urbana

13 - 14 September 2023

ISCTE, Sintra, Portugal

More information here.

Challenges for the urban forms of the 21st century

10ª Conferência da Rede Lusófona de Morfologia Urbana

29 November - 1 December 2022

Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Book of abstracts and Proceedings PNUM 2022 available here:

CADERNO DE RESUMOS PNUM 2022.jpg  CAPA pnum_anais2022_final.jpg

Identities and dynamics of urban reconfiguration in the digital era

9th Conference of the Portuguese-language Network of Urban Morphology

16 July 2021

Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal

Book of abstracts and Proceedings PNUM 2021 available here:

PNUM2021 Resumos_capa.jpgPNUM2021 Artigos_capa.jpg

Urban form and nature

8th Conference of the Portuguese-language Network of Urban Morphology

21-23 August 2019

Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, Brazil

The making of the territory: forms, processes and purposes

7th Conference of the Portuguese-language Network of Urban Morphology
18-19 July 2018
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

Urban morphology: territory, landscape and planning

6th Conference of the Portuguese-language Network of Urban Morphology
24-25 August 2017
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, Brazil

The spaces of urban morphology

5th Conference of the Portuguese-language Network of Urban Morphology
15-16 July 2016
Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal

Urban configuration and the challenges of urbanity

4th Conference of the Portuguese-language Network of Urban Morphology
25-26 June 2015
Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil

Scientific Committee:

Frederico de Holanda (Presidente), Celene Monteiro, Cristiana Gris, Décio Rigatti, Edja Trigueiro, Eneida Mendonça, Jorge Correia, José Júlio Lima, Karin Meneguetti, Liza Andrade, Luiz Amorim, Maurício Polidori, Miguel Bandeira, Mônica Gondim, Nuno Norte Pinto, Renato Saboya, Stael Costa, Teresa Marat-Mendes, Thereza Carvalho, Valério Medeiros, Vinicius Netto, Vítor Oliveira

Organizing Committee:

Gabriela Tenorio (Presidente), Ana Paula Gurgel, Camila Sant'Anna, Cláudia Garcia, Frederico de Holanda, Giuliana Sousa, Liza Andrade, Valério Medeiros


Introduction, scientific committee, organizing committee, programme, list of papers, list of posters Pdf

Papers by thematic session

1 Recent urban transformations: new impacts, new challenges

  • 1.1 Pdf
  • 1.2 Pdf

2 Social inequality in cities Pdf

3 Urban configuration and cultural heritage Pdf

4 The modern city legacy Pdf

5 Total urbanization: towards metapoles Pdf

6 Public spaces in the contemporary city

  • 6.1 Pdf
  • 6.2 Pdf

7 Morphological theories, concepts and techniques Pdf

8 Urban configuration and history of cities

  • 8.1 Pdf
  • 8.2 Pdf


P1 Pdf

P2 Pdf

Guidance for contributors Word ISBN: 978-85-67405-22-3.

Our Common Future in Urban Morphology

21st International Seminar on Urban Form
Faculdade de Engeharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
3-6 July 2014
Conference Website: ISUF 2014

1. CONFERENCE POSTER image-file.png





Urban form in territories of Portuguese heritage: analysis, design, quantification

3rd Conference of the Portuguese-language Network of Urban Morphology
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
27-28 June 2013
Conference Website: PUM 2013

Scientific Committee:

Vítor Oliveira (President), António Pais Antunes, Jorge Correia, Karin Meneguetti, Mário Fernandes, Nuno Norte Pinto, Paulo Pinho, Teresa Marat-Mendes, Valério Medeiros, Walter Rossa

Organizing Committee:

Nuno Norte Pinto (President), Ana Natálio, Joana Dourado, Gabriela Almeida, Francisco Cruz, Nuno Ribeiro, Leandro Cravo, Raquel Santos, Maria Leonor Nogueiro, Paula Moço, Carlos Proença, Mónica Santos, Pedro Mariano, Tânia Ventura, Nuno Bernardo, Elso Ramos, Raquel Gomes


Urban morphology in Portuguese-speaking countries

2nd Conference of the Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology
Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE), Lisbon, Portugal
5-6 July 2012
Conference Website: PNUM 2012
Scientific Committee:
Vitor Oliveira (President), Frederico de Holanda, Jorge Correia, Luis Laje, Mário Fernandes, Paulo Pinho, Teresa Marat-Mendes, Stael Pereira da Costa
Organizing Committee:
Teresa Marat-Mendes (President), Mafalda Sampayo, Paula André, Rosália Guerreiro,
Maria João Oliveira


Urban morphology in Portugal: approaches and perspectives

1st Conference of the Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology
Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Oporto, Porto, Portugal
8 June 2011

Scientific Committee:

Vitor Oliveira, Jorge Correia, Mário Fernandes, Teresa Marat-Mendes, Paulo Pinho

Technical Support:

Ana Natálio





S1. Morphological approaches

Mário Fernandes

Carlos Gonçalves Pdf

Miguel Bandeira Pdf

José Silva Pdf

Carlos D Coelho Pdf

S2. Planning and development control

Nuno Ferreira Pdf

Carlos Veloso et al. Pdf

Manuel F Sá et al. Pdf

Carlos Alho, Miguel Fonseca

S3. The history of urban form I

Luisa Trindade

Jorge Correia

Maria C Ribeiro Pdf

Paula André Pdf

Sandra Pinto Pdf

S4. Interdisciplinary perspectives

Fernando Cruz Pdf

Izabela Teobaldo, Joana V Silva Pdf

Francisco Serdoura, Helena Almeida Pdf

Tânia Ramos, Madalena C Matos Pdf

S5. Morphological techniques

Vitor Oliveira Pdf

José Reis et al. Pdf

Nuno Pinto et al. Pdf

Sara Velho et al. Pdf

Valério Medeiros, Ana Barros Pdf

S6. The history of urban form II

Maria Calado

Luiz Silva Pdf

Jorge Pinto 

Marina Castro Pdf

Carlos Alho et al. Pdf

S7. Urban form and sustainability

Teresa Marat-Mendes

Helena Amaro Pdf

Pompilio Souto, Anabela Ribeiro Pdf

Paulo Pinho et al. Pdf

S8. Morphological elements: the street/infraestructure

Ana Silva Pdf

João Leite Pdf

Inês Moreira Pdf

Ivo Oliveira Pdf

Gustavo Silveirinha Pdf

S9. Morphological elements: the street

Ana Amado Pdf

Manuel Ribeiro et al. Pdf

Ana Natálio et Pdf

Gisela Lameira Pdf

Sérgio Proença Pdf

S10. The metropolitan scale

Teresa S Marques

Teresa Cálix Pdf

Cristina Cavaco Pdf

Ana Pinhal Pdf

Heraldo Borges Pdf

S11. Morphological elements: urban tissues

Ricardo Pereira et al. Pdf

Cátia Santana, Madalena C Matos Pdf

Jorge Neves

Ana J Pinto et al. Pdf

Ana Barros, Luis Martinez Pdf

S12. Morphological elements: the square/public space

Sérgio Fernandes Pdf

Manuel Teixeira Pdf

Madalena P Silva Pdf

Magda Barbosa Pdf

Luisa Valente Pdf