2017 - Volume 5.1


Urban form regulation and land use regulation


Design strategy and urban configuration: morphological study of two new towns in mid-twentieth century Brazil
R. L. Rego, A. Hollatz, G. Cardoso e M. Tavares

{+}Abstract [PDF]Cianorte and Angélica are two new towns planned in Brazilian hinterlands’ pioneering agricultural colonization zone. Both designed in the early 1950s, each one is linked to a specific town planning tradition: Cianorte late resonated the notion of the city as a work of art, alongside with some features of the garden city; Angélica early exemplified in Brazil the rationalist urbanism for a functional city. By contrasting the urban forms of the two cities, this paper explores the adopted design strategies, and points out their potentialities and weaknesses. As a result, this morphological study unveils, on the one hand, the layout of a town according to classical precepts of composition and the creation of a unique townscape; and, on the other hand, the configuration of a radically modern, functionally standardized and uniform town. In both cases the adopted design strategy impacted the development of the urban form: in Angélica, the land use pattern and the built form did not follow the revolutionary, modernist configuration of the morphological elements; in Cianorte, the urban growth ignored the city-beautiful layout and did not materialize the planning proposals.

‘The Industrial City’ by Tony Garnier: rethinking the genesis of progressive urbanism, in the centenary of its publication
R. M. Almeida

{+}Abstract [PDF]At the beginning of the twentieth century, the French architect Tony Garnier designed a plan for a new city called ‘The Industrial City’. However, the proposal was considered too radical by his peers. In 1917 Garnier used this plan as the basis of the book: Une cité industrielle, étude pour la construccion des villes. The book received much criticism both by academics and professionals. Yet, some years later, it was considered by many authors as one of the most significant planning publications of the twentieth century, becoming a source of inspiration for the proposals of many progressive architects, such as Le Corbusier, and having significant impact on the urban form of cities around the world. 100 years have passed since the publication of the book. Professionals working in the urban and architectural fields should reflect on the breadth of the Industrial City proposal. This paper aims at analysing the elements of urban form proposed by Garnier in his book, as well as the consequences of the use of these elements and the importance they had in architecture and urbanism. Research is based on primary sources, namely the book itself, and on secondary sources, including the critique of the book. The paper concludes that, even after all the years since the publication of the book, many elements proposed by Garnier in his definition of the urban form of the Industrial City are still informing contemporary urban projects and practices at many different scales.


The typology of urban layouts as an indicator of concentrated or dispersed power
E. Z. Monteiro

The city as a promotor of public health
D. Pires

Urban form and climate – a relationship strengthened by the challenges of climate change
L. M. Batista

Urban morphology and environment
O. Oliveira

The influence of urban form on the metabolic efficiency of cities: a reflection at the urban microscale
R. Fernandes

Urban morphology and biology: the city as an organism
C. Monteiro

The urban dimension in architectural courses
V. Oliveira

The unstable territory of urbanism in architecture: concepts and instruments that define a place of its own?
S. Sucena

The urban process in the teaching of architecture
J. Flores

The teaching of architecture: architecture with an urban consciousness
R. Mealha

To access, to see, to perceive: waterfronts in perspective
R. Ochoa

The growth of the city of Guimarães and the evolution of its spatial structure
M. Oliveira, M. Barbosa e M. Viana

Reflections on the Morpho methodology
B. Zaitter


1st Congress of the Hispanic-ISUF, Toledo, 2016
C. M. Utanda


Urban Morphology
PNUM 2018: The production of territory – forms, processes, purposes
ISUF 2017: City and territory in the global era
3rd PNUM Workshop
4th International Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture