2015 - Volume 3.1


Teaching Urban Morphology


Area non aedificandi in private domain
S. M. G. Pinto

{+}Abstract [PDF]Starting from the current legal instruments (Portuguese Civil Code and General Regulation of Urban Construction) and retreating to the old legal influences (roman and islamic), this article seeks to understand, in the portuguese context, how the interstices between buildings were established over time by law. The old legal rules of the almotaçaria and contemporary legal rules are contextualized and analyzed, seeking for innovation and persistence. Finally, it is highlighted the importance of this knowledge to the study of portuguese urban form.

Classical ideas, progressive aspirations
R. L. Rego, T. S. Ribeiro and J. Taube

{+}Abstract [PDF]Articulating town planning history and morphological studies, the paper aims to show the effect of contemporary urbanism in the layout of four Brazilian mid-twentieth century new towns planned from scratch by civil engineers graduated by the Faculty of Engineering, in Curitiba. At that moment urbanism underpinned by an academicist approach, resultant from the Beaux-Arts tradition, and consonant with the planning in the ‘grand manner’, a set of formal ideas drawn from traditional European planning practice, particularly the French, which was spread throughout North America by the City Beautiful movement. The Urbanization Plan for Curitiba co-authored by Alfred Agache in 1943 was an important local reference, especially for the civil engineers regarded in this paper. Thus, morphological elements such as diagonal avenues, tree-lined boulevards, grand views, and the gathering of the main public buildings and their ordered, symmetrical organization convey an artistic approach amid regular, gridiron urban forms, typical of land-speculation enterprises.

Variation of the surface temperature at Avenida XV de Novembro, São Carlos - SP, Brazil
G. Z. F. Neves, R. A. Felício and S. S. Macedo

{+}Abstract [PDF]This study aimed to determine the variability of long wave energy flows on buildings and land surface in São Carlos, a tropical city of medium altitude. The methodology is based on the use of an infrared digital thermometer fixed on a tripod, with the manual measurement of cardinal and side points in the angles of -10º, 0°, in various classifications of urban land use defined by the Laboratório Quadro do Paisagismo do Brasil - QUAPÁ. Six trials along a street in the city of São Carlos - SP in representative climatic episodes of winter were performed. The results show that the surface temperatures were higher than 50 °C while the higher air temperature was 25,9ºC.

Urban morphology as an emerging interdisciplinary field
A. V. Moudon

{+}Abstract [PDF]The forces and events leading to the formation of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF) are identified. ISUF is expanding the field of urban morphology beyond its original confines in geography, particularly into the domains of architecture and planning. Three schools of urban morphology, in England, Italy and France, are coming together, following seminal work by two morphologists, M. R. G. Conzen and Saverio Muratori. The bringing together of these schools provides the basis for an interdisciplinary field and the opportunity to establish common theoretical foundations for the growing number of urban morphologists in many parts of the world. ISUF’s ambitious mission is to address real and timely issues concerning city building by providing a forum for thought and action which includes related disciplines and professions in different cultures. The potential of an interdisciplinary urban morphology to contribute to the understanding and management of urban development in a period of unprecedented change is discussed.


Urban Morphology in ESG
D. Viana and G. Carlos

Urban Morphology as a basis for the urban background of architects
E. Solís and B. Ruiz-Apilánez

Teaching Urban Morphology. The FAU-UB experience
F. Holanda

Urban Morphology didatics
G. Cataldi

Teaching Urban Morphology in the Universidade do Minho
J. Correia

Teaching Urban Morphology in the Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo of the UEM
K. Meneguetti

Urban morphology in Lebanon: a cultural perspective in a crossroad of civilizations
L. Bravo and J. Madrigal

Teaching Urban Morphology in Italy: balances and prospects
M. Maretto

Report on teaching Urban Morphology in the UFMG
S. Costa

Urban Morphology – teaching and research
S. Macedo

Designing the urban fringes. A process between different scales, objects and themes
S. Sucena-Garcia

Teaching Urban Morphology in FAUP
T. Calix and M. F. Sá

From Urban Morphology to spacio-functional analysis
T. Heitor

Teaching Urban Morphology in ISCTE-IUL
T. Marat-Mendes

Urban Analysis in ETSA of Coruña
X. Suarez, C. Lopez, V. Mosquera, A. Revilla and C. Fontan


PNUM Workshop 2015, Porto, July 2015
V. Oliveira

Curso de Extensão em Morfologia Urbana, Belo Horizonte, June 2015
V. Oliveira


Urban Morphology
22nd International Seminar on Urban Form
5th Conference of the Portuguese-language Network of Urban Morphology
1st Symposium of the Turkish Network of Urban Morphology